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DipFA And CIIAward Graham Foxwell.
I have been working in the financial services sector for over 25 years now, with a background in banking, working for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in the City of London.
I moved onto personal financial planning for Expatriates living and working in the Middle East and worldwide.
Having spent over 20 years working as a financial planner abroad, learning and understanding what financial planning entails, I use my experience and knowledge to enhance and improve my clients' needs and requirements.
Unfortunately, what I have found in all the years working as a financial planner abroad, is the vast majority of so-called financial advisors abroad, work off commission-based products, giving bad advice to suit their needs and pockets. My aim is to find the correct products that suit the client, rather than the advisor.

Remember, financial planning is not only about investments, but getting the foundations of financial planning in place, such as, Wills, Estate Planning, Life Insurance/Critical Illness, Education Planning, Savings, Pension Planning and then Investments.
The way I get paid is from the product providers directly rather than commission from the client. I am totally independent, and therefore, not stuck to any one provider allowing me the opportunities to find the best product that suits the Clients requirements.
A big part of my goal is to educate people on the simplicity of financial planning, allowing them to do it themselves. For instance, when it comes to investing, I will educate them, and show them the correct funds to invest in. e.g. Index funds, iShares, Vanguard and ETFs.
One thing is for sure, no one strategy fits everyone.
I deal with every nationality, people from all walks of life and different religions. There are no differences, we are all equal and the same applies to Financial Planning.